"I am unconscious but my heart still beats and my lungs still breathe--yet even that I know is sustained by my Creator. Who can go to sleep tonight and be 100% sure he will wake up in the morning. Not a single person. It is by God's will and power that we see another day." -- stevo :)
last night, i didn't fall asleep too easily either.. but at least last night i wasn't thinking empty thoughts. instead, i had this quote in mind..
and.. it just sparked this whole stimulating..mess..of..greatness haha :) it was all a matter of me sorting out these thoughts and making sense of everything.
God breathes life into all of us each day. He wakes us every morning so we can live another day.. not just "another" day, but a new day! He wakes us so we can all breathe another breath. smile to a stranger. bring someone else joy. say 'i love you' to a family member or friend! have another opportunity and say 'i love you' to God, Himself! have more time to heal open wounds and forgive those who have hurt us. to be inspired by others. to imagine! to dream! &create! and to just..experience being ALIVE.. through Him of course :)
and i mean, isn't that something to look forward to?! isn't the life He gave us something to.. go to sleep and wake up and experience all over again.. more than enough?? it IS!!
but i feel like these days i've just been taking everything for granted. i've been getting really caught up in day-to-day activities. going to class, following my day schedule, studying. i haven't been taking the time to really stop. look around me. and just feel blessed. i know it's really cliche to say, just look around and smell the roses.. but when's the last time i did? when's the last time i laid in bed at the end of a day and thought about all the good things that happened during the day instead of all the small burdens or insecurities i have about tomorrow?
so then i thought, maybe this is what He wanted to reveal to me.. by taking away those what i called, "precious" hours of sleep..to really take the time and do my QTs and think about all the good things that happened today..
in fact, i'll start thinking/writing about my day now! (this entry feels very spontaneous haha)
so i woke up at 715am and got ready to go move my car, which was on gayley, because of street cleaning. and yes, what a hassle.. but i've actually been enjoying these early mornings alone. it's.. very.. quiet. and nice. and today i just felt like visiting my high school so i went to starbucks to get my coffee anddddd.. i see one of my best friend's mom! what a coincidence! so we just sat there and talked about life, friends and our experiences. it was a good breakfast talk :) and thennn i went to my highschool and talked with my coach, talked with my AP Calc teacher <3 hehe i love her! and saw some of my senior friends. and since i have class at 11, soc, and since the parking spots open up at 11 on gayley.. had to go back to UCLA. and even though i was 5 minutes late, and even though i was super hot while power walking to class, class was fun haha right cho, wasn't it fun today?! :/ haha well anyways and then i spent 6 hours in powell studying for psych and even though i outlined some of the wrong section, it's okay! and then went to KCM and that's always fun :)
bottom line, i looked back on what happened today in a good mood and happy state of mind! yayy haha! anyways, back to what my post is really about. i looked up "calvin and hobbes, sleep" up in google and the comic up there is what i found! isn't it perfect?
God is our creator. He's our bestestttt friend! "Things are never quite as scary" when we put our faith in Him. and regarding my "insomnia".. i think just simply knowing He's next to me, embracing me, absorbing all my troubles and worries, bringing me peace.. knowing all of what He has done for me and continues to provide is what will help me sleep better at night..
..&wake up refreshed and anew for a new day!!
(dang i feel so pumped and energized right now)
*edit. omyy! so the last part of my blog got cut off and i freaked out and pressed "back" a bunch of times and I WAS ABLE TO SAVE IT!! God prevails once again hahah<3